Ecotourism in Samaná Bay and Peninsula, Dominican Republic

Eco Samana

This site is mainly dedicated to ecotourism (sustainable, low impact tourism) in the Samaná Peninsula and Samaná Bay area of the Dominican Republic.

It is also dedicated to a dog called Benni.

Benni, David Long and Nicola Krämer
Photos Jahr 2000

Operators of whale-watching boots and other touristic activities listed on this site observe the codes of conduct specified by CEBSE (Center for the Conservation and Eco-Development of Samaná Bay and its Surroundings).

CEBSE, a Dominican non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 1992, is actively engaged in the conservation and sustainable development of the region and has established an ecotourism program and guidelines for whale-watching. The guidelines are designed to protect the whales and their natural habitat.

operates whale-watching boots during the whaling season and arranges boot trips to small islands in the Samaná Bay area and the Los Haitises National Park which is across the bay.

Kim Bedall
operates whale-watching boots during the whaling season (mid January until mid March).

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titulo-samana-peqSamaná Peninsula and Bay Area, Dominican Republic
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